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The Fondation Abbé Pierre


Created in 1990, the “Fondation Abbé Pierre pour le logement des défavorisés” is a mem-ber of the Emmaüs movement, which brings together the organisations affiliated to the Emmaüs France federation. Its links - organic and financial - with the latter constitute a particular feature in the landscape of foundations, a source of strengths but also of complexities. Over 90% of its funding comes from the public (donations, gifts, bequests, corporate sponsorship) and it has collected over €40 million, including sponsorship. The foundation was audited by the Court of Auditors in 2006 on the employment accounts from 1999 to 2003, which did not give rise to any major criticism. In the report published today, the Court audited the financial years 2015-2016 to 2019-2020, which took place in the context of the health crisis, in which the foundation was heavily involved in helping to stem its impact on the housing of disadvantaged persons.

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