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27 September 2021
Fiscal years 2014 to 2019
As part of its missions with regard to organisations in receipt of donations, the Court of
Accounts audited the use-of-funds statement for donations received from the public by the
Fondation de France from 2014 to 2019.
The Fondation de France is an exceptional organisation owing to the circumstances behind
its creation in 1968, its role in the philanthropy sector in France, the volume of its
redistribution activity and the size of its balance sheet (€2.4 billion in 2019).
The model that the Fondation de France has gradually developed gives a central place to its
role as an "umbrella foundation". As a "general sponsor", it also differs from the usual
profiles of foundations recognised as acting in the public interest, which are subject to the
specialisation set out in their purpose.
Following its audit, in accordance with the law, the Court issued an opinion on the
expenditure of the Fondation de France during fiscal years 2014 to 2019. It found that this
expenditure was in line with the objectives pursued by the public appeal for generosity and
the foundation's objectives, with two qualified opinions:
- The presentation of the use-of-funds statement artificially increases the expenditure
devoted to social missions by including annual allocations to equity and reserve accounts.
- The Fondation de France's ex-post audit of subsidies paid from donor-advised funds
is inadequate, exposing it to significant legal or management risks.
The Court makes 13 recommendations.
A rigorous organisational structure designed with a view to growth
The size of the Fondation de France's balance sheet and the weight of financial assets in this balance
sheet (95%) give it the characteristics of an institutional investor. The Fondation de France considers
that the management of the funds it receives is an integral part of its role, in the same way as the
collection and redistribution of funds. From this point of view, the challenges posed by the collection
of donations are adequately taken into account by the Fondation de France both in terms of yield and
processing security. However, although it has formalised its internal control system, it does not have
an internal audit department. This function would seem essential for an organisation of this size, in
view of the specific risks inherent in its role as an umbrella foundation.
A large number of donor-advised funds, subject to variable controls
Nearly 900 donor-advised funds have been created under private law contracts with their founders.
Their number is constantly increasing. The risks and challenges associated with this strategy of
continued growth appear to be underestimated. The size and governance of these funds and the
profile of their founders vary greatly. The Fondation de France is the only entity with legal personality
and is solely accountable
financially and legally
for all of their activities. In practice, the operational
autonomy granted by the Fondation de France to its donor-advised funds varies considerably. Most
often, it is the bilateral relationship established with the founders rather than the stipulations of the
incorporation agreement which determines the exact nature of relations between the donor-advised
fund and the umbrella foundation. As a result, the controls carried out by the Fondation de France on
the actions of donor-advised funds vary considerably in intensity.
Insufficient consideration of the risks associated with the activities of donor-
advised funds
The criteria of public interest and the operating principles of foundations recognised as being in the
public interest are fully applicable to the Fondation de France and,
a fortiori
, to its donor-advised funds.
However, the operating methods of the donor-advised funds and the control exercised by the
Fondation de France do not guarantee that these various essential requirements are always fully met.
The principle of direct management by the umbrella foundation acting in the public interest (laid down
by the law of 23 July 1987) is interpreted very loosely and this constitutes a source of structural risks,
which are further accentuated by the steady increase in the number of donor-advised funds. While the
creation of a donor-advised fund gives rise to careful investigation and quality support for the
founders, this is not the case for the control of their activities. The Court considers that control and
supervision mechanisms must be implemented.
Relevant proprietary programmes can be further developed
The review of the accounts showed that the Fondation de France's accounting and budgetary
management is adequate and detailed. The programmes set up internally by the Fondation de France
are conducted and managed in a very professional manner.
Emergency programmes, which are very
visible in the media and often attract large volumes of donations, are closely monitored. The sample
programmes examined during the audit highlight a concern for thoroughness but also for impact and
benefit for the public concerned.
Read the report
Emmanuel Kessler
Communication Director
01 42 98 55 62
Julie Poissier
Head of press relations
T 01 42 98 97 43
Cour des comptes
Cour des comptes