Established in Paris between 2019 and 2021, the “crack plan” aims to tackle the problem of crack cocaine, a hard, cheap drug that has been heavily trafficked in the north-east of Paris since the 1990s. This plan was developed by a group of actors who sought to coordinate their actions to address the...
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The Court of Accounts is publishing a flash audit on the MaPrimeRénov’ scheme, an initiative set up to help with the energy renovation of homes and to achieve national targets in the fight against global warming. The programme aims to renovate 500,000 homes each year and has therefore been open, sin...
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The Court has published three flash audits analysing the measures taken as part of the support provided by central government to the culture sector during the Covid-19 crisis. These audits, conducted in compliance with professional standards, are characterised by the speed of the investigations. The...
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In the context of the health crisis, the Court decided to initiate an audit that, while respecting its professional standards, is noteworthy for the speed of its investigation, carried out within four months. This work is presented as an initial assessment of the financial effort made to support pub...
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