A sui generis institution created by the Act of 28 Pluviôse year VIII (17 February 1800), the Police Prefecture is a unique model of territorial administration, without equivalent in France because of its competences, which include municipal policing and internal security missions Gradually extended...
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After the National Council of Dental Surgeons in 2016 and the National Physiotherapists Council in 2017, the Cour des comptes has audited the National Medical Council (CNOM), 46 Local Medical Councils (out of 101) and the 24 Regional Medical Councils, of the Order of Physicians. Created in 1945, the...
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The Adult Disability Allowance (AAH), introduced in 1975, is designed to provide a minimum income for individuals with disabilities who do not receive an income through employment. Entirely funded by the State, this minimum social benefit, consisting of a basic monthly payment of €900, is paid to ov...
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Operated by SNCF Mobilités, the 7,000 trains and 1,300 buses that go to make up Regional Express Transport (Transports Express Régionaux – TER) provide services to periurban areas, regional cities and isolated territories, carrying some 900,000 passengers a day. The assessment of TER carried out bet...
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Since the early 1990s, the French social security system has been in constant deficit (save for a short-lived remission in 2000-2001), which the 2009 economic recession pushed to unprecedented levels. Over the long term, it is faced with challenges of financial sustainability connected with a lastin...
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The Cour des comptes of France now presents its annual report on local public finances in two parts to improve the information given to Parliament. Part I, focusing on the financial position in 2018, was published last June; part II is focused on the situation in 2019 and beyond, as well as on an as...
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In 2017-2018, 245,000 students came to France for credited study (for a period of more than a year), ranking France 4th in the world. Over 90,000 French students took part in credited study abroad (ranking 6th in the world). In addition, almost 44,000 French students took part in Erasmus+ in 2016 (n...
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Sport at school in France combines the compulsory teaching of physical education (PE), and optional school sport, concerning over 12.4 and 2 million pupils respectively PE teaching, which mobilises €4 billion and 37,000 teachers, is the largest item of government expenditure on sport. The Court has ...
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The posting of state officials to open positions, upon initial recruitment or subsequent mobilities, is a key factor both in the quality of public services and the quality of life at work.
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The 2013 Act on Reform of the Republic’s Schools created the “educational digital public services” intended to teach schoolchildren digital techniques with a view to their future civic and professional integration, improve pedagogy through use of digital services and resources in classrooms, and fos...
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