With the authority to audit the use of resources by organisations appealing for public donations, the Court of Accounts conducts audits into the use of donations received following crises or disasters (Asian tsunami in 2004, Haiti earthquake in 2010, Notre-Dame de Paris fire in 2019). This audit by ...
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Created in 1990, the “Fondation Abbé Pierre pour le logement des défavorisés” is a mem-ber of the Emmaüs movement, which brings together the organisations affiliated to the Emmaüs France federation. Its links - organic and financial - with the latter constitute a particular feature in the landscape ...
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The Court of Accounts ensures, during its audits of organisations making public appeals for donations, that the funds collected are in line with these organisations’ stated objectives. If this is not the case, the Court issues a declaration of non-compliance, which is then made public. Formed in 201...
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Founded in 1989, the Animal Assistance Foundation defends and protects 1800 animals, through a network of 18 clinics, shelters, and retirement homes. With 16 million euros collected in 2019 in the form of donations, bequests and gifts, it draws almost all of its resources - around 96% - from public ...
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