The investments for the future programme (PIA - programme d’investissements d’avenir) implements the report “Investir pour l’avenir : priorités stratégiques d’investissement et emprunt national1”, submitted in 2009 to the President of the Republic. To this end, it was allocated €35bn, recorded in th...
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The Cour des comptes hereby issues its public report, a work of collaboration with the regional audit courts, on the financial situation and management of local authorities and their public institutions. Local governments (APUL - administration publique locale) represent 20% of expenditure and 9% of...
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Following on from its reports from 2010 (L’éducation nationale face à la réussite de tous les élèves), 2013 (Gérer les enseignants autrement) and 2015 (Le suivi individualisé des élèves), the Cour des comptes hereby publishes a thematic report on the subject of France's upper secondary education sys...
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The Cour des comptes hereby publishes its annual report on the implementation of the Social Security Finance Acts. Despite the persistence and amount of Social Security’s abnormal deficits, the latter receded only slightly in 2014, as in 2013. A marked slowdown in the speed of the deficits’ reductio...
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The Cour des comptes hereby issues a thematic report on the French national employment agency, Pôle emploi. Born of the merger of ANPE (National employment agency) and Assédic (Associations for employment in industry and trade) in 2008, Pôle emploi is the largest public operator with 53,000 staff me...
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The Cour des comptes presents its annual report on the financial situation and outlook, prepared in accordance with article 58-3 of the Constitutional Bylaw on Budget Acts (LOLF in French, for 'loi organique relative aux lois de finances') with the purpose of informing Parliament’s discussions on bu...
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The Cour des comptes hereby issues its ninth audit opinion of the French General Social Security System Financial Statements for the year 2014. The fact that the Cour verifies that these accounts meet the principles of consistency, accuracy and fairness constitutes an advantage for the public financ...
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On 27 May 2015, The Cour des comptes – French Supreme Audit Institution – hereby issues its audit opinion of the French Central Government Financial Statements for the year 2014, prepared in accordance with Article 58 of the Constitutional Bylaw Governing Finance Acts (LOLF). The Cour certifies that...
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On 30 April 2015, the Cour des comptes issued a public report devoted to the Institut de france and the five academies: remarkable assets, a lack of robust management. Between 2005 and 2013, the Cour des Comptes issued a public report on the management of the Institut de France, the Académie Françai...
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