More than 10 years after its previous report on central government civil servant pensions, the Cour des comptes has once again carried out an analysis of civil servant pension schemes, including local government and hospital civil servants. It has examined their specific characteristics and progress with regard to the financial sustainability and fairness objectives set for the entire pension system by the Act of 20 January 2014.
The important reforms implemented since 2003 have gradually helped civil servant pension schemes to converge with those of employees in the private sector on several main points, in particular with regard to retirement age and the pension replacement rate relative to professional income. However, the progress achieved remains fragile and partial, especially with regard to the financial sustainability of the schemes and the continuation of efforts to converge public and private sector pension benefits.
After analysing various scenarios for the structural reform of civil servant pension schemes, the Cour des comptes has identified measures that can be used to develop the rules applicable to civil servants and has drawn up recommendations to reinforce financial management and governance.
Civil servant pensions